
Speaking ill of a dead cancer quack — Louise Hay

September 12, 2017

Louise Hay, unlike some other cancer quacks, probably did not die of cancer. At least there is no evidence she died of cancer…. No evidence, in fact that she ever even had cancer at any time in her life.

Louise Hay said she had cancer in 1977 or 1978 — she can’t remember which. She said her doctors thought it would kill her. And she said she cured it herself. But she can’t remember the doctors’ names, and can’t remember what stage the cancer was at when she “cured” it.

But Louise Hay had already published her first book, You Can Heal Your Life, in 1976. So she published a book listing a hundred or more diseases from leprosy to cancer, listed a “metaphysical cause” and a “healing affirmation” for each, and then a year or two later, “got cancer” herself. She promptly “cured” it — the perfect vindication of her book — but didn’t keep any documents and can’t remember even the most basic details about it.

Or none of that happened, and she was lying.

Lying, and believed by her customers because people don’t usually lie about that kind of thing. And then watched as millions of customers bought her “cancer cure” and tested it on themselves.

The husband of one such customer left a comment here earlier this year:

Thanks to her unshakable belief in the teachings of this lady, and her refusal to follow a real treatment, which repeatedly drove a wedge into our happy married life, my beloved wife died last month, age 47. I miss her tremendously.

What Hay certainly knew is that cancer sufferers make great customers. They are already emotionally invested in the product’s success, and better still, they need a great deal of support and reassurance from others around them — so they will be promoting the product to these people too. If their cancer by chance goes into remission, then that’s  a success story for Louise Hay.

And if they die, it means they’re not hanging around anymore to warn people that the product doesn’t work. And, if they die, chances are they would not end their life blaming Louise Hay and warning others, but die instead condemning themselves for their failure to rid themselves of negativity as Louise Hay said she did.

Or their death is blamed on something else. As in the case of the cancer quack Bill Henderson who got cancer, and was foolish enough to test his quackery on himself rather than on his customers. And the quackery worked perfectly, or at least that’s what his followers said…… 


The problem was that Bill also had thrombophlebitis, which resulted in blood clots in his legs. According to the physician who was treating Bill, it was a combination of heart attack, stroke, and pulmonary embolism in the wake of a blood transfusion which took his life. It was not due to cancer.

Or, as the oncologist David Gorski explains:

Um, no.

Bill Henderson died of cancer. If he didn’t have cancer, he wouldn’t have needed a blood transfusion, and wouldn’t have had the heart attack, stroke, and pulmonary embolism….When cancer kills, it is usually not the cancer itself that kills, but rather complications caused by the growth of the cancer.

Another deceased cancer quack is Hulda Clark. She got rich off her string of bestsellers, The Cure for All Diseases, The Cure for All Cancers, and, (in case the latter didn’t work), The Cure for All Advanced Cancers. And then she died of an advanced cancer, but not before killing an unknown number of her customers. (Read about one such victim here.)

Another was Jerry Hicks, husband of Esther Hicks, the originator of the “Abraham” channeling and law of attraction scam. He made a career out of telling people that illness is the result of negative thoughts and emotions. A former follower quotes Esther Hicks as saying “You could have every deadly disease known to man, within you, today, and if you chose different feeling thoughts tomorrow, they would all leave your body.”

So how did Jerry Hicks react when he discovered he had “manifested” leukemia for himself? He “started immediately with aggressive chemotherapy treatments. Something they have always claimed is that modern medicine of any kind is something that you don’t need.” He explained his hair loss with a convoluted story about a spider bite. Eventually they admitted it was chemo, and spun a spiritual yarn about how going along with the doctor’s recommendation was “the path of least resistance”.

Fear suddenly smells different, when it’s your own.


  1. Thank you for writing this. These quacks cause such pain and it’s maddening that they get away with not helping people and destroying relationships. The things you write about need to be said.

  2. Thanks for commenting!

    I would like people to think twice before they defend or promote stuff like this.

  3. I hope the influence of Hay House’s brand of ‘blame the victim’ so called ‘positive thought’ decreases in the future. It’s influence has often been pernicious.

  4. Indeed, Yakaru.
    Claims which cause people to ignore conventional treatment consisting of shown remedies are claims which are so damn dangerous..
    From cancer cures to homeopathy to acupuncture to faith-healing to ‘the secret’ to homeopathic vaccinations and a multitude of others.
    They’re wasting time, money, hope and slowing the progress of real medical advance.
    It makes me sick.


  5. @Lucinda,
    indeed — it’s absurd and dangerous though it is to see everything in terms of positive and negative, I would have to count every single publication from Hay House as 100%. All of it should be pulped.

    Hay House is also Bruce Lipton’s publisher.

  6. Thank you SO much for writing this post. I’ve always found Hay to be the source of much distress for many people. She’s been nothing but a blame shifter, and I have nothing but disdain for her. Apparently I have Cystic Fibrosis – a genetic disease – because I’m angry. I think Louise died because she was an old hag who had too much plastic surgery. Her appearance screamed ‘I love who I am’ 🙄

  7. Yes — “I lovingly accept my body and its ageing processes” does not seem to have been one of her affirmations.

  8. I went down that rabbit hole, years ago. Not only do you have a disease to handle, but you also have to carry the guilt… Absurd and barbaric.

    Hi Yakaru, has been a long time. I hope you are fine.

  9. Hi Caroline, nice to hear from you… Yes, I’m doing fine. Moved from Berlin to Cologne recently, where the change is doing me good.

    I also tried out Louise Hay’s ideas many years ago — just using what worked “worked” and not even realizing how dangerous and (frankly) stupid so much of it was. Spirituality seems to give us a very high pain threshold in the common sense department!

    Hope you’re fine!

  10. I am fine thank you. Still alive 😉

    Maybe Yakaru, this could be of interest to you :

  11. Thanks — hadn’t heard about that book from him….

  12. It’s nice when the life cycle runs its course, it’s just a sad shame when someone inflicks hardship to another human being. Life is challenging enough as it is. Offer a Smile towards the next person you face, see if it’s welcomed.
    Have just finished Louise Hays book, a good read, but she was a truly damaged person.

  13. A damaged person who made money by lying to people who were trying to heal. It’s okay to call a deadly cancer quack exactly what they are. You don’t need to worry about saying something negative about such a disgraceful and abominable liar. Her lies kill people probably every week. I wish her deceitful and deadly books disappeared with her. A curse on all those who continue to profit from and promote her criminal enterprise.

  14. Some things are more likely to visit us because of our stupidity or insufficiency, but presuming everything is under our control reminds me of the tantrums of a two year old child wanting the existing frustrating order to change around his little worldvue.

  15. Well said!

  16. For all you extremely jaded people out there that are believing what this guy says Louise hay was a healer she helped a lot of people and she is brilliant she’s a pioneer in the world of mind causing illness exploratory she may not of been perfect but she was brilliant and she did have cancer and she killed it her self and whether or not she remembered or not or whatever she did what she said she did she didn’t lie so she could sell books that’s not the truth, and probably the reason why Esther Hicks husband Abraham did aggressive chemo is probably because his wife got scared shitless and said you’re going to do traditional I don’t want to lose you people are human but I I’ve been reading stories about people having so many things and just changing their mindset and healing immediately quickly doctors being shocked so you cannot just sit here and tell somebody that all the stuff is a lie because it’s not it’s just not !!!

  17. Jenna- the stories you have been reading, most if not all are unconfirmed. They’re just nice stories but details are exaggerated. Believe it or not, doctors want their patients to heal and recover and they apply evidence-based medicine and best clinical practices. They are not “shocked” when patients do well. The people who sell scam treatments know that we humans love a good story and they’re happy to provide them. Louise Hay’s stories of successfully beating cancer are unconfirmed. Why should I believe what she said?

  18. Jenna,
    Your comment is extremely rude. Unlike Louise Hay, I welcome dissenting comments — that why I provide space for them on my blog.

    As you can see here,

    “Anonymous” lectures you about Louise Hay

    you’re not the first person to simply barge onto my comment section and start lecturing readers over my shoulder. You Louise Hay fans often act identically, as you have only a very limited range of set responses when you see Ms Hay being criticised. That’s why I could so easily list half a dozen utterly predictable statements in my comment policy that I specifically ask people *not* to make:

    Website: Comment & Fairness Policies

    You write:
    “For all you extremely jaded people out there…”

    What a negative and judgmental way to address people you know nothing about. You assume anyone who disagrees with you must be doing so because they are “extremely jaded”.

    “…that are believing what this guy says…”

    No need to believe: look at the evidence, or in this case the distinct lack of positive evidence. (And incidentally, the name I write under (Yakaru) is a spiritual name which I have had for the last 30 years or so. As a guest, it would be more polite to either use that, or refer to ‘the author’.)

    “…Louise hay was a healer she helped a lot of people…”

    From the comment policy, which you should have read before commenting:
    Before commenting about your “positive experiences” with a particular teacher, please ask yourself if it really in fact addresses my criticism. Unless I have explicitly argued that no one has ever had any positive experiences with a teacher, then your comment is likely to be irrelevant.

    “…and she is brilliant she’s a pioneer in the world of mind causing illness…”

    No she is not. Psychosomatic medicine, for example, was pioneered in Germany in the early part of last century, and far more fruitful pioneering work in the effects of stress began in the 1930s in the US. Ms Hay’s ideas are derived directly from her fanatical sect of Christian Science, which is ideological, medical in nature. She has contributed absolutely nothing to the field of medicine.

    “…exploratory she may not of been perfect but she was brilliant and she did have cancer…”

    There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that he ever had cancer.

    “…and she killed it her self…”

    Again, no evidence of that either.

    “…and whether or not she remembered or not or whatever she did what she said she did she didn’t lie so she could sell books that’s not the truth…”

    You assert this based on your perception of her character, which itself is based on the idea that she wasn’t lying.

    “…and probably the reason why Esther Hicks husband Abraham did aggressive chemo is probably because his wife got scared shitless and said you’re going to do traditional I don’t want to lose you…”

    Yes — either she got scared or he got scared or they both got scared. Fear smells different when it’s your own, and not the fear of a customer with cancer. She told her customers they can heal it themselves — just like Louise Hay did.

    “…people are human…”

    Yes — it is human to be indifferent to the suffering of others. But in my opinion to make money out of this indifference is less than human. It’s despicable. And then to be a hypocrite as well is just pathetic.

    “…but I I’ve been reading stories about people having so many things and just changing their mindset and healing immediately quickly doctors being shocked…”

    Ok, share at least one example — but please check that the facts have been independently verified: a record of a clear diagnosis of the illness; a complete record of treatments undertaken (usually ignored in these kinds of claims); and a verified record of the illness having disappeared.

    If you can’t find any such example, I expect you to apologise to the readers whose time you wasted with that dangerous and irresponsible claim.

    “…so you cannot just sit here and tell somebody that all the stuff is a lie because it’s not it’s just not !!!”

    For my argument against that assertion, please read the post.

  19. I am looking forward hearing from you about the example Yakaru asks for. I have been searching it for years.

    Who wouldn’t give these docs in order to save the suffering world ?

    That is what I asked for exemple Mrs Moorjani. Her compassion stopped right there.

  20. yes you are jaded and angry. i agree with Jenna. i read louise hay and she never said it is self blame that she is preaching or what you should be doing. on the contrary. maybe you should actually read her book and read it carefully and not judgmentally twisting her words.

    she never said not to go see a medical doctor either.

    but she does claim that the body and mind are one. and your thoughts can contribute to your illness your mind set can contribute to your healing. that is nothing new. but she certainly brought this to wider audiences. and this, her belief that she taught and wrote about, has been backed up by science.
    you shouldn’t really be so angry and judgmental about louise hay, before ever even trying to love yourself really…or did you try and couldn’t?

  21. @sev
    “…has been backed up by science…” how and where ?

    Looking forward reading some scientific reports.

  22. Sev,
    I think it would have been better if you had have addressed the criticisms I made of Hay in the post rather than trying to guess what my motivations are.

    Hay never had cancer. Her story of how she healed is a flat out lie. People have died because of her lies. their friends and partners have left comments here expressing their heartbreak at such pointless deaths of loved ones.

    I have no idea why you felt the need to be so insulting and judgmental towards me, but given you have told readers that her work has been “backed up by science”, I expect you to back that up. And it had better be good. And you had better have checked it.

    If you can’t back it up, you will have shown yourself to be as big and irresponsible liar as Louise Hay was, as well as ill-mannered.

  23. It’s so fun getting notifications for this thread. I can hardly believe sev is for real. How on earth would this person know if Yakaru is jaded or angry? I also note that the closing sentiments of sev’s comment are very blaming. As if it’s Yakaru’s fault Louise Hay’s message was a crock.

  24. Another person who lied about cancer was the queen of macrobiotics, Aveline Kushi. Her and her husband Michio were making a fortune off of people with cancer, charging them $300/hour for dietary consultations, when Aveline herself was diagnosed with cancer. She went for chemo and died anyway, but they kept this a secret.

    In spite of this fact, however, I am not convinced that the macrobiotic diet failed entirely at improving the health of some people, even to the point of making their cancer go into remission. I am not sure the truth here is black and white.

    Science acknowledges the power of the mind as a healer by admitting the power of the placebo effect. Simply believing in something (a change in your thinking), may have an effect on an illness. This was the point Louise Hay was making. One could make the case that the way she communicated this was misleading to her followers, who thought the power of their minds would be enough to cure themselves. It might be, or it might not. That is why wholistic therapies are now referred to not as “alternative”, but “complementary.” My sister recently was diagnosed with cancer, and she has had surgery, chemotherapy, but also goes to a good acupuncturist. I think demonizing either western or alternative therapies and setting them against each other is counter productive. Why not do everything you possibly can to try to survive?

  25. I appreciate this comment, Peter. I hope your sister’s treatment goes well.

    I agree with much of what you write, but will note a few minor differences of opinion. First, what I agree with…

    I am glad to see you note that frauds and quacks exist. As I noted in the post, cancer sufferers make easy targets. Anyone arguing for inclusion of more speculative treatments must, I think, acknowledge this danger.

    Regarding the mind as a healer, I would emphasise the spectacular work on stress, which I think should be far more widely included and acknowledged by medicine. The effects of mental state here can be profound, in reducing and managing stress, or exacerbating it. Very much more should be done by the medical profession here. There is excellent ongoing research being conducted here, including the use of meditative techniques.

    The enormous popularity of Louise Hay, for example, does reveal a great willingness on the part of patients to learn to alter their thought patterns. (I must disagree, however, with the argument that Louise Hay was working in this direction: as I note in the post, she explicitly claims to have a cure for cancer, and millions believe her and die because they followed her advice. Family members of her victims comment here too.)

    I would also nitpick a little, about the placebo effect. In general it refers, of course, to any improvement in a control group, and therefore can be deducted from the measured effects of a treatment. Usually it means that the illness got better by itself, or the perception of discomfort was improved by the perception of having received a treatment (in studies which used a sham treatment and double-blinding of therapists & patients). It doesn’t establish any ‘mind over matter’ healing of the kind that many complementary practitioners argue for.

    Finally, without saying anything about the effects of acupuncture, medical science would be greatly improved by paying more attention to the fact that it does people good to lie or sit in a peaceful environment for a time, and to receive the caring attention of a trusted individual. Seeing this as an intrinsic worth would not only improve treatment and offer a role to those currently working in ‘complementary’ treatments, who have the suitable interpersonal skills; it would also go some way towards closing the door to scammers who claim definite medical value for their unproven treatments.

  26. Yakuru,
    You are quite the judgemental person, which honestly sucks more for you then for anyone else. To tear down a person who recently died and who has positively impacted millions and millions of people’s lives is beyond sick, it’s even more sick that you find joy in this. Louise has positively impacted my life as well as many I know through the application of manifestation, affirmations and and positive thinking. I hate to tell you there is no cure for cancer, I study and practice medicine and this is a huge area where allopathic medicine fails… let me tell you that the way we think, feel, and act all influence the state of our immune system and this is our largest natural defense against cancer. We constantly are producing the cytokine TNF-alpha which targets and destroys cancer cells, so there is some validity in her reasoning, however there are pieces missing such as the other factors that are causing the cancer in the first place (poor diet, environmental toxins, lack of exercise, inadequate sleep, hormonal dysfunction, and cognitive dysfunction amongst many others). Have you positively influenced millions of people’s lives? Definitely not. Should you keep you negative uneducated opinions about cancer to yourself? I vote a strong yes.

  27. “I hate to tell you there is no cure for cancer”

    Therefore you cannot be studying medecine and for sure never worked in a oncology center.

  28. Thank you Caroline for pointing that out.


    My answer to your stereotypical and ill-informed tirade is here–

    Another comment from a Reader — the standard Louise Hay fan

    And incidentally I deleted the link the advertising site in your comment. Don’t link to it again, please.

  29. Yak-whatever. You would benefit from anger management study. It is people like you who are full of misdirected anger that get cancer. Louise Hay died from old age. She was a sweet and dedicated woman who believed in peace, love and light. My message is for anyone reading this who thinks you “have a handle” on life and living, because I feel strongly that you definitely do not. Just guessing, but you probably have no sense of fairness either so if you delete my message it won’t bother me, but hopefully will bother you because you’ve read it.

  30. “You would….” “you should”
    “I feel strongly”
    “just guessing”

    Lets affirm together : I let go of my beliefs and begin to broaden my knowledge.

    Whoever acts like an angel makes a devil of himself.‘ — Pascal.

  31. Caroline, I always love reading your replies. This recent comment was so incredibly rude!

  32. Twila,
    my response to your comment is here–

    Commenter: I will get cancer because I criticised Louise Hay (Fear as a marketing tool)

    I’m glad I didn’t read your comment before writing that 1000 word article. I don’t mind being entirely upstaged in 6 lines, really I don’t 🙂

    You’re right (or Pascal is) — Hay’s fans only see light, and find the darkness baffling and scary, so they project it onto others.

  33. Thank you Kskinneraud.

    My biggest disappointment in life is stupidity, my own as well… that comment just pushed a button.
    An elaborated answer is far more complicated to build and I am looking foward reading your reflexion and answer to Twila’s comment.

  34. Hi Caroline,
    my reaction to Twila’s comment got so long that i posted it as a separate article,

    Commenter: I will get cancer because I criticised Louise Hay (Fear as a marketing tool)

    but I should have put the whole thing here as well. And here it is–

    I will highlight yet another comment from a Louise Hay fan. It’s short, but revealing.

    On my post titled Speaking ill of a dead cancer quack, Twila writes:


    As I mentioned previously, Yakaru is my spiritual name. I don’t know why this person feels compelled to mock it. I imagine they must be very angry with me.

    Nevertheless, Twila has some advice for me:

    You would benefit from anger management study.

    Of course — it’s me who’s angry, not her.

    So let me clear a few things up. I have indeed written plenty of angry words on this website, but I have always done it consciously, or deliberately, and for a specific purpose.

    When people have developed an unhealthy loyalty to a spiritual teacher it shocks and angers them, to see someone undermine the elevated status they have granted to that teacher. And, often, it frightens them too. I’ve noticed clearly in personal interactions over many decades with followers of various sects and cults and teachings. They think it’s all love and light and outsiders just don’t understand, but they don’t see any connection between the feelings they feel when a (supposed) outsider criticises the boss, and the teachings of that boss. No no, those teachings are all nice and positive.

    In fact, and this will come out clearly below, Louise Hay’s teachings are based on fear every bit as much as they talk of love and light. Above all, Hay was a fanatical Christian. She just switched from threatening people with hell for their misdeeds, to threatening them with cancer. Think a negative thought (about Louise Hay, for example) and you will get cancer.

    This is what Louise Hay triggers in her followers: fear.

    And this fear drives their anger when they see her being criticised.

    It is people like you who are full of misdirected anger that get cancer.

    Twila is angry enough with me to ridicule my name — a pointless personal attack that has nothing to do with the issue — and angry enough to tell me I will get cancer because of my misdeeds (I would bet she has never suffered from it herself nor had anyone close die of it)….

    …..but somehow she has decided that it is only my anger that is negative. Her anger must be positive. She is defending poor dear Louise, so her anger is well-directed and won’t cause cancer. This is what Louise Hay does to her customers: criticise Ms Hay and you get cancer; defend Ms Hay’s product and you’re safe. It’s a form of psychological colonisation.

    Louise Hay died from old age. She was a sweet and dedicated woman who believed in peace, love and light.

    And customer loyalty.

    Loyal customers who have all learned to repeat the same lines of defense when the product (the teachings) is being criticised. This is why I could already write my comment policy specifically asking Louise Hay followers not to leave their stereotypical defenses. It means I can just copy and paste instead of typing the same thing each time one of them shows up here.

    From the comment policy:

    …Also, before commenting about your “positive experiences” with a particular teacher, please ask yourself if it really in fact addresses my criticism. Unless I have explicitly argued that no one has ever had any positive experiences with a teacher, then your comment is likely to be irrelevant.

    I also ask people please not to–

    Attempt to analyze my motives rather than addressing my criticism

    Judge me for being “judgmental”

    Leave negative comments about me being “negative”

    Criticize me for being critical

    Assume that I am ignorant of- or feel threatened by spirituality and then criticize me for that

    In other words, please don’t leave exactly the same comment that all the other angry Louise Hay fans have already left.

    Twila continues:

    My message is for anyone reading this who thinks…

    And maybe I should add another one to that list, because they’ve pulled that one before here too.

    Do not use the space I provide for your comment to talk over my shoulder in order to lecture those reading here. It is impolite. Comments are to respond to my article how ever you see fit, or to answer other commenters directly (as long as its on topic). It is not a platform for you to promote the product I was criticising.

    My message is for anyone reading this who thinks you “have a handle” on life and living, because I feel strongly that you definitely do not.

    I did not give out any such advice in that article. Rather I handed out a long list of substantial criticisms, and Twila ignored every single one of them. But still felt entitled to comment anyway.

    Just guessing, but you probably have no sense of fairness either so if you delete my message it won’t bother me, but hopefully will bother you because you’ve read it.

    Twila, you have used the comment space on my blog to mock my name, tell me I will get cancer, tell me about character deficiencies you think I have and assume you know how to fix them, talk over my shoulder to readers, and then lecture me about fairness.

    Where exactly do you get this feeling of entitlement and superiority? Why do you think it is that you have just left the same comment that several dozen Louise Hay fans have also written?

    Do you think it might be because you have all been taught to by someone, whose teachings are all directed at evading criticism and recruiting customers to promote the product to others? –And promote it so unconsciously that you all come out with the same sales pitch to defend it.

    You are welcome to comment further, Twila, but I will give two conditions:

    1. read the comment and fairness policy (side bar top right under Website: Comment & Fairness Policy)

    2. respond to the criticisms of Louise Hay from the article this time.

  35. Louise hay was never against medicine to cure. She believed God worked through medicine as well . I don’t see why this man is blaming her for the death of his wife .🙄

  36. […] my post Speaking Ill of a Dead Cancer Quack, I highlighted an earlier comment from a man who had lost his wife to […]

  37. I have written a short blog post in response to your surprisingly heartless but quite revealing comment. It is here:

    Another Louise Hay Fan: manipulation

  38. Yakuru,
    Many people use many modalities to heal. Some are for some, others are for others. I find it very vindicating to have encountered a teacher who helped me get my health back as the medical field had failed me time and time again.
    I feel inspired to say cease to critize and attack, we all learn and heal in different way and through different teachers.
    I don’t understand the underlying anger with a woman who took in many aids patients and held groups with them in the 80s and taught the power of self love and the healing effects this has on the body, mind and spirit in a time when people didn’t even want to be near anyone with aids. She tirelessly taught the power of our own ability to take power over our own lives and heal from within.

    Yes, we all have our time to go…but I do know this we can heal our lives.
    Do not give your power away to diagnosis. Heal thyself and love thyself.

    I hope you find peace as it’s necessary to bring people together rather than divide people.

    It is much harder to be peaceful than it is to attack.

  39. It is — as you demonstrate — much harder to find peace than to attack.

    It is also much harder to read my comment policy than it is to attack.

    Website: Comment & Fairness Policies

    As I say in the comment policy — which I wrote to save time when all Louise Hay’s fans leave an identical comment to yours:

    Please do not do any of the following:
    Attempt to analyze my motives rather than addressing my criticism
    Judge me for being “judgmental”
    Leave negative comments about me being “negative”
    Criticize me for being critical
    Simply repeat all the claims I criticized in the post without addressing my critique of them

    Apart from judging me as angry, you have all of the serious problems with Ms Hay’s deadly and deceitful quackery.

    Yes, there are many different ways of “healing” just as there are many different ways of being sick. Unfortunately Ms Hay has contributed nothing to any of these modalities. What she says sounds — in part — nice, but what is of value is found elsewhere; and more clearly stated and without claiming to be able to cure cancer, AIDS, and leprosy etc, like Louise Hay lies about being able to claim as well.

    Yes she was popular with the gay community for a short time in the ’80s until they realised her platitudes don’t cure anything and all she was doing was taking the cash and running.

    How many people do you think have died unnecessarily and in agony because they believed her teachings? Or do you blame them too for dying?

  40. Yakaru has the patience of a Tibetan monk.

  41. 🙂

  42. Hi Yakaru,
    I am continually amazed by the number of people who have been hoodwinked by Louise Hay. My rule of thumb is – the minute I catch someone in a lie – everything they say from that point forward is suspect and needs to be verified. As I’ve mentioned before, I knew her personally and caught her in lies. I’ve mentioned elsewhere her questionable statements – but here is a new one I hadn’t mentioned. She said that she was a house model for Bill Blass. A house model is one who works exclusively for the designer and is at his beck and call – available for last minute fittings, etc. Bill Blass acquired his company in 1970. Louise Hay was 44 in 1970. While it is customary to hire older models nowadays, in 1970, no designers were hiring 44 year old models to showcase their work. There are no pictures anywhere on the internet of Louise Hay in connection with Bill Blass.

  43. I hadn’t heard an employer’s name for her ‘I was a successful model’ story, but it immediately struck me as bogus. All New Age teachers seem to have this — the ‘riches-to-rags-to-riches’ story. But hers especially had that feel of a psychologically unstable person dreaming of greatness.

    She also claimed, if I remember correctly, that she met the Queen of England because of her rich and fabulous husband when she was a model too. And that she had a different name them too, so that just like her cancer, there would be no record of it.

  44. It’s pretty hilarious that people like Yakaru have nothing better to do with their lives then tear down dead people (who can no longer defend themselves) and piss off others in internet blogs. What a waste, get a life bro.

  45. @frenschies
    What are you doing here tearing down people searching to know the truth behind the illusion ? Searching the truth as well ?
    “Lets be audacious enough to accept that fairy tales do not survive in the real life. So that we can get the best life possible”

  46. Dear “freshies”. You didn’t respond to any of criticisms of Ms Hay, because you don’t care about any of her countless victims or their families.

    You also didn’t respond to the entire post I dedicated specifically to you and all the others whose blustering ignorance you repeat word for word. As I noted there, your responses were so predictable that I had already listed them in the ‘comment policy’, asking people not to repeat them all again.

    Another comment from a Reader — the standard Louise Hay fan

    And now you’ve come back yet again with your robotic refusal to deal with any of the criticisms I raised about Hay’s work, and to tell me, without any sense of irony or self-awareness, that I need to get a life.

    Do you see what Hay’s careful advertising propaganda has done to your behaviour?

  47. Indeed Yakaru. I say don’t just tell me that i’m wrong, don’t just accuse me of things and tell me to ‘get a life’. Instead, tell me WHY I am wrong (that I may consider the dispute), and no-one should ever tell me anything about MY life, unless they play a role in it. I admire your analysis of liars and hucksters who wish to gain money and fame by fooling the gullible and uncritical people among us. Thanks Yakaru, you are appreciated, remember that.
    All the best mate,


  48. Nice point Deborah.

  49. @freshies247 – You seem oblivious to the fact that Louise Hay HARMED people! People who could have otherwise been treated were following some of her foolish ideas to their death.
    There was an AIDS activist, Peter Fitzgerald, who also knew Hay personally and recounted her cruel and heartless behavior when one of her followers became ill. Interestingly enough, he deleted his story from his page, so I’m wondering if Hay’s minions didn’t threaten him with litigation, as he was despoiling the image of their beloved empress.

    Hay peddled and profited off another con artist – Sylvia Browne. She was outed numerous times as a fraud. What would possess anyone to publish Browne’s books? Greed – pure and simple. https://allthatisinteresting.com/sylvia-browne

  50. Hay of course is also the publisher of the ubiquitous Bruce Lipton.

    “Freshies” can also respond to this quote from Peter Fitzgerald id he wants–

    Some of Hay’s disciples, believing they had failed to follow her dicta well enough, died ashamed, disempowered, and betrayed. Many AIDS survivors and caregivers have testified to the tragic personal cost of Hay’s philosophy, and what some have called her brutal dismissal of actual people with AIDS, including the poor and people of color, as well as her willingness to profit personally through the pain of the sick, the psychically unsettled, and the terminally ill. Activist and filmmaker Peter Fitzgerald saw Hay in action with his desperately ill comrades. After her death he said, “I understand that she provided hope at very dark times to a great many people, I also know all too well that her clay feet were deeply mired in the guilt of being an AIDS profiteer, a disloyal friend and purveyor of false hope. Namaste, bitch.”


  51. …Thanks Woody! Likewise….

  52. Thank you, Woody. Hay also claimed she was the house model for Pauline Trigere and once again, no evidence of that being true anywhere on the internet.

  53. I would have no problem with the therapeutic/spiritual aspect IF she didn’t also advise against proven, evidence-based medicine in the same breath.

    Diet, exercise & affirmations do not cure cancer or AIDS. They don’t. Abstaining from drugs/sex/other vices & blaming yourself for the past won’t undo the damage done. Self-acceptance? Great. Communicating your feelings in a safe group setting? Awesome. But the woo overshadows ALL of it & renders it meaningless. Offensive, even.

    Lying about having cancer–let alone curing it via fraudulent means–is the lowest of the low. Only a truly depraved person would go there for money, fame or any other reason. What I’ve seen of her “Hayrides” and other groups looks exactly like a cult.

  54. Yes — it’s kind of a free-form cult. Proper cults actually take care of their victims in a way — keeping them isolated but at least guaranteeing a measure of social contact at least. Hay and her fellow scammers all cross-promote each other, so that everywhere a customer/victim turns, they find one of the crew recommending the work of another one of the crew, who in turn reinforces another.

    Her customers wind up only mildly isolated socially from people outside the cult.

  55. The person who wrote this article not even read her books and is saying lies. She never said that you don’t need to go to the doctor or take medicines. When she was sick she had chemotherapy and healed with that and her beliefs. She doesn’t talk about a “methafisical” healing, all she talk is about changing the way we think about ourselves and how that can help to heal us, sadness and guilt in fact can create illnesses and we all know that, because our inmune system goes down. This article is just for to divert the attention from the inner knowledge and make people buy more to pharmaceuticals and be addicted to it and continue being anxious and unhappy because that’s what the system needs.

  56. I really recommend you to read “You Can Heal your Life”, this is not about “methapysics”, it’s about being in peace with yourself and your past, is about forgiving the people who hurt you in the past and that’s what will change you. My friend healed from cancer thanks to this books and the chemotherapy. I healed from other illnesses too. I became less hateful. Many lifes had changed with her help. She never said to not going to the doctor or not taking medicines. It’s clear that the person who wrote this article never read her books. EVERYBODY who read this book love it and feel better.

  57. Hi Carla, Wondering what is the part of healing due to chemo ? and what’s the part due to innerpeace ?

  58. River and Carla, you have both told me that Louise Hay doesn’t tell people not to get chemo. Where did I say she does say that?

    Stress management can assist in healing, but affirmations are a poor tool for this. Louise Hay’s version of it is especially poor and dangerous as well. It is psychologically unhealthy to divide thoughts, emotions and events into “positive” and “negative”.

    You also failed to say anything about the serious criticisms I made of Louise Hay in the article. Not one single word.

    And note Caroline’s point too — why give Hay credit for healing caused by chemotherapy?

    I made some other more general observations about your comments in a separate blogpost–

    Two more comments trying to defend Louise Hay’s deadly quackery

    As a general note to anyone else wanting to defend Louise Hay here, please address the criticisms in the article. That’s what you need to defend her against.

    I’ve written several posts about the dangerous and foolish comments Louise Hay’s loyal customers continue to leave. they can be found here–


  59. I had a mental health councillor/General practioner who claimed to be trauma-informed who believed these things.

    I also met a nurse advocate in a hospital whom gave me her book and told me to write down her details. I had just been abused at the time and was given it…

    The second time I was under the above mentioned General Practioner. I was homeless, being stalked, currently in the judicial system following up on convictions and was told ‘the outside is a mirror for our insides. There must be some past issues that need to be resolved’. Sounds logical..Kinda.. Except I was then handed a bible verse and was denied medical treatment because my rashes yeast infection, and reoccurring pain were due to, you guessed it- repressed anger! I was already vulnerable. This lady wasn’t advertised as anything other than a GP. And she was the first medical practioner I disclosed abuse to. I told her i was exploring spirituality but wanted healthy spirituality and that was what I was told. She also gave me 3 separate reasons as to why my feet were hurting. I had been diagnosed with allergies previously and was told that my grief was causing them and go into psychotherapy because it would make them disappear. I was given a new diet plan that consisted of what this doctor then wanted me to eat. When i got sicker and gained 15 kilos I was congratulated for looking healthy despite it being chronic inflammation > Which again, was put back on repressed anger.

    I’ve had to have 3 years of gold standard trauma-informed therapy because of her reaction to the abuse. The therapy I had, proved her to be medically neglectful and abusive.

    The shock trauma from my initial abuse left in 5 EMDR sessions. The pain of what she has said left with me with Medical PTSD and it was aptly named spiritual abuse. It has not gone away because what she did was destroy my meaning making systems. Every symptom I had became a reason as to why what I was doing was wrong. Its also important to note this doesn’t just pertain to one aspect of health, people whom believe these things generally have similar justifications for other lifestyle choices too. What this belief system did was make me blame myself for my own homelessness, my own abuse and in all seriousness, it broke down my identity and self confidence to the point that I was then abused again. Not just once, but multiple times whilst I was under the care of this physician/qualified mental health practioner. I had proof and recordings of my abuse that occured whilst under her care, and not once was a proper protocol followed in following that up.

    Instead, I was invited to ‘ let it go with love and peace’ and told to read a book called ‘people of the lie’ because it was going to teach me that quote ‘ people are monsters. They do exist out there’. I didn’t ever call my initial abuser a monster. I didn’t think it was justified because I saw what made them do what they do directly. However, to then have that person labelled as a monster was a seriously delusional thing to do. My social worker had to intervene and did when I couldn’t shut up about this horrific experience. 2 years of increased suicidality. I nearly ended up dead. Was abused twice more and forensics linked that to this belief system. It left me defenceless. I left her care showing the same symptoms one would have after being involved in a domestically abusive relationship.

    I now can’t leave my house because I am terrified someone will call me sick. I went to a new therapist and was completely flooded with flashbacks of experiences with this doctor.

    It took me years to understand that that belief system is actually the foundation of abuse and toxic shame.

    You can’t take what you need and leave it when it comes to vulnerable communities. There are specific protocols that need to be confirmed to restore justice and power to those with illnesses of any kind so that they aren’t exposed to crap like the above.

    We need to call this woman and these people what they are if they deny or promote these services as all someone needs or if they discourage medical attention. Worse, this person was involved in the medical-community.
    They are abusers. Its creating a dependency on a system for healing that has now been proved wrong by modern neuroscience AND trauma-informed therapies.

    I think spirituality matters, but not this. This is not okay. I was introduced to this belief system at my worst and I quite legitimately lost my career, my health, my mind and now have a therapy bill of upwards of 10,000 and no trust in treating professionals or my own abilities because I was undermined and shamed for two years.

  60. People who say “but many people have been helped by Louise Hay’s teachings” should read through the above comment a few times.

    Spiritually oriented medical professionals should realise that a system that labels all critical evaluation “negative”, and writes off all its failures as the fault of the victim is not suited for human beings.

  61. I really feel for you. I hope you will find some help, real help.

  62. I have posted the above comment by “B” as a blog post —

    “It took me years to understand that that belief system is actually the foundation of abuse and toxic shame” —A Comment on Louise Hay

  63. […] Henry introduces to his audience the deadly cancer quack Louise Hay. (As is usual for famous New Age swindlers, she was also promoted by […]

Comments welcome, but please try to address the issues raised in the article!